Port Dinorwic SC
Clwb Hwylio Y Felinheli
Open Sailing
Open sailing sessions are run on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons between April and October.
In these sessions, members can practise their sailing in a safe and non-competitive environment with the reassurance of safety boat support and the benefit of informal coaching.
The emphasis is on enjoyment, to enable members to improve and hone their sailing skills and increase their water confidence.
These sessions are great for the less experienced sailors and there is plenty of opportunity for help and advice or just socialising. Some members just go for a sail because of the pleasant conditions and for some it is a good start to the weekend or a wind-down for the end of the working week.
Sessions will consist of a defined time during which there will be safety boats crewed by experienced club members, instructors or coaches. A working area will be defined for each session, according to conditions, and displayed in the clubhouse. Participants are asked to remain within this area to allow adequate safety cover to be maintained.
Club boats are available to members for hire.
Members are encouraged to bring along friends as guests to introduce them to the club and to sailing.
Note that, although instructors are available for these sessions, we would expect people joining in to be able to sail to Level/Stage 2 standard. Non-sailors need to be accompanied on the water by a sailing member.
Hwylio Agored
Mae sesiynau hwylio agored yn cael eu cynnal ar nosweithiau Gwener a phrynhawniau Sul rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Hydref.
Yn y sesiynau hyn, gall aelodau ymarfer eu hwylio mewn amgylchedd diogel a di-gystadleuol gyda sicrwydd cymorth cychod diogelwch a budd hyfforddi anffurfiol.
Mae'r pwyslais ar fwynhad, i alluogi aelodau i wella a mireinio eu sgiliau hwylio a chynyddu eu hyder dŵr.
Mae'r sesiynau hyn yn wych i'r morwyr llai profiadol ac mae digon o gyfle i gael help a chyngor neu gymdeithasu yn unig. Mae rhai aelodau'n mynd am hwyl oherwydd yr amodau dymunol ac i rai mae'n ddechrau da i'r penwythnos neu'n dirwyn i ben am ddiwedd yr wythnos waith.
Bydd y sesiynau'n cynnwys amser diffiniedig pan fydd cychod diogelwch yn cael eu criwio gan aelodau profiadol o'r clwb, hyfforddwyr neu hyfforddwyr. Bydd man gweithio yn cael ei ddiffinio ar gyfer pob sesiwn, yn ôl amodau, a'i arddangos yn y cliw. Gofynnir i gyfranogwyr aros yn y maes hwn er mwyn gallu cynnal yswiriant diogelwch digonol.
Mae cychod clwb ar gael i aelodau i'w llogi.
Anogir aelodau i ddod â ffrindiau fel gwesteion i'w cyflwyno i'r clwb ac i hwylio.
Sylwer, er bod hyfforddwyr ar gael ar gyfer y sesiynau hyn, byddem yn disgwyl i bobl sy'n ymuno allu hwylio i safon Lefel/Cam 2. Rhaid i aelod hwylio fynd gyda'r rhai nad ydynt yn forwyr ar y dŵr.